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Pioneering Financial Innovations with Generative AI

At Alpha Tensor Technologies, we leverage Generative AI to transform the finance sector, offering cutting-edge products, consulting services, and groundbreaking research.

A state of the art AI-driven system that leverages the advanced reasoning capabilities of GPT-4 for explainable stock picking, analysis, ranking and portfolio construction eliminating human biases. 


In-depth macroeconomic analysis for making informed investment decisions and effective capital allocation. Such analysis offers vital insights into the overall economic regime, significantly influencing the profitability and value of individual financial assets. 


We provide consulting and Information Technology services to corporate businesses and individuals on how to utilize Generative AI to optimize their specific use cases.


We conduct scientific research on Applied Artificial Intelligent to solve real-world problems in Financial applications.

Our Team

Co-founder & CTO

George is an AI Engineer and Researcher with a rich background in machine learning, data science, and software development. Pursuing a Ph.D. in Applied Artificial Intelligence, George also holds an MSc in Data Science and a Diploma in Economics from the University of Athens. He has significantly contributed to various R&D projects in data analytics, with his work being recognized in various high-impact journals and conferences. At Alpha Tensor, George drives the development of AI-driven analytical frameworks that enhance our capabilities in stock selection and investment strategies, ensuring our technology not only analyzes extensive financial data but also delivers actionable insights.

Co-founder & CEO

Kostas brings a wealth of experience from his roles in asset management and capital markets, particularly with KM Cube Asset Management. His expertise in quantitative investment strategies and financial engineering drives the strategic direction of MarketSenseAI, focusing on leveraging advanced analytics to outperform traditional investment models. Kostas' deep knowledge of financial markets and his innovative approach help shape our solutions to offer superior investment strategies and market insights.

COO & General Manager

Vasileios combines his background in computational engineering and aerospace engineering to enhance our operational and analytical processes. His work developing systematic trading algorithms and statistical arbitrage strategies at KM Cube Asset Management is instrumental in integrating sophisticated computational tools into MarketSenseAI. Vasileios' unique analytical perspective is crucial for advancing our platform's efficiency and accuracy in financial analysis.

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